Days outside!

About the Alpine Youth Club and the filmmaker

The Producer

The Alpine Youth Club - Alpenvereinsjugend - means adventure, fun, and time spent with kindred spirits. Be it on the mountain, biking, climbing or at the camp fire. The Alpine Youth is one of the largest youth organizations in Austria with over 164.000 members. Children and adolescents can find a diverse program of leisure time activities.

The Filmmaker

Franz Walter founded his solo studio in 2008. And although he loves doing things on his own, nothing is ever alone. Over the years he has been building a network of sport, culture, technology, design that is as individual as it is beautifully intertwined.

His visual language and narratives bear the stamp of a surreal poetic beauty, subtle art direction and carefully framed compositions. His works have received numerous awards and international recognition with commissions ranging from editorial to advertising, from documentary to conceptual assignments.

Together with his family, Franz is living in the Allgäu Mountains, on the norther foothill of the Alps.

Camps, Clinics and courses by the Austrian Alpine Youth Club


Get outside and let the adventure begin with the Alpine Youth. Children from all over Austria can visit the summer camps of the Alpine Youth Club: collect their first outdoor experiences kayaking, climbing or rafting, sleep in a cabin, a tent or outside and simply spend exciting days outside. Local sections have the opportunity to offer their own camp in the "Meet Friends" program. Sponsorship is possible.


risk´n´fun offers training levels for freeriding, climbing and biking within their mission statement "observe - assess - decide." Freeriders can acquire comprehensive know-how for thoughtful and competent decision making and acting on the mountain in winter during 22 training days. Included are activities close to the slopes all the way into high-alpine and glaciated terrain.

Biking is a big theme in summer. Children, adolescents and young adults can choose from a wide range of activities. The common denominator of all risk´n´fun events is a learning culture on a level playing field that integrates self-dependent actions while taking into account individual, group-dynamic, and technical factors.

Sections of the Alpine Club can request the risk´n´fun TEAM free of charge for hands-on work with groups of children and adolescents.

Young Alpinists

The Young Alpinist YOUNGSTERS offer courses for 14- to 20-year-olds in the disciplines of high-alpine tours, alpine climbing, ski-mountaineering, and ice climbing. Central element is experiencing adventure and spending time together. The Young Alpinist TEAM offers 8 chosen young mountaineers in the Alpine Youth Club the chance to learn from world-class alpinists over the course of two years. The Young Alpinist TEAM means learning at eye-level, adventure, pushing boundaries and, independent mountaineering on a high level.

Volunteer work for the environment

Environmental construction sites stand for volunteer work for nature and the environment. Adolescents and young adults have the possibility to actively engage in protecting the environment, securing trails, planting trees, clearing mountain pastures. Expenses for board and lodging are covered. All participants have the possibility to complete a P.U.L.S. press internship.

Basic and advanced trainings

All dates for the Youth Leader and Family Group Leaders, the course Alpine Pedagogy with focus youth work, inclusion, children & family as well as Leading a Group Seminar can be found here:

Living in balance between rapture and risk

risflecting® is a pedagogical model of action to develop rapture and risk competence in a culture of mindfulness in dialogue. Its theoretical approach is in due consideration in the programs of the Alpine Youth Club Austria.