Days outside!
Days Outside is about movement, relationships with nature, living in real-time. And about being together, here and now.
We tell stories about adventures big and small that change us with Days Outside!. The films delicately portray the encounters between people and nature and show many precisely captured moments experienced by children, adolescents, and grown-ups. They’re all connected by their enthusiasm for being outside.
Days Outside! are films produced by the Youth Chapter of the Austrian Alpine Club, filmed and edited by filmmaker Franz Walter.

Days outside for kids!
A short film by the Austrian Alpine Youth Club about kids and families.

Days outside for everybody!
A short film by the Austrian Alpine Youth Club about community and inclusion.

Days outside!
A film by the Austrian Alpine Youth Club about free, open spaces, confidence, and healthy risks.
Gerald KollerYou need solid ground to carry you. And then the courage to open the door. There’s solid ground out there, too. You’re just not familiar with it yet.